Dr. Paul Doerr

PHONE: 902 585-1343
OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Wednesday: 3:30pm - 5:00pm


I was born and raised in Bruce County Ontario and earned my PhD from the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Dr. John O. Stubbs. I teach courses on the World Wars, military and diplomatic history and Europe in the twentieth century. My research interests include British foreign policy, appeasement and war termination. I live in Wolfville with a black cat named Jack. In my spare time I enjoy collecting antique maps and going to Rolling Stones concerts.  I also like to play ‘Age of Empires’ and read books outside my area of specialty.  


I am happy to supervise student theses on any aspect of modern diplomatic or military history. Where possible my courses incorporate an active learning philosophy. In small tutorial classes I like to have students recreate diplomatic conferences and crises so they can understand the thought processes of the historical figures involved.